Friday, May 8, 2015

[Ebook+audio] La Parure

La Parure est parue pour la première fois dans le quotidien Le Gaulois le, avant d'être reprise dans le recueil Contes du jour et de la nuit en 1885. Elle paraît trois ans après le rétablissement de la liberté de la presse sous la IIIème République.
Pass : d2fg9q7d

[Summary] French vocabulary + grammar

The sparkchart: summary of french, including vocabulary and grammar.
That should be learnt by level A2 or anyone who want to remind own knowledge about French

Pass: gd56yhb1

[Ebook+audio] Double assassinat dans la rue Morgue

En pleine nuit, des cris effrayants réveillent les habitants de la rue Morgue, à Paris. Ils vont bientôt découvrir les cadavres atrocement mutilés d'une jeune fille et de sa mère. Des meurtres qui auraient pu rester inexplicables, sans la présence d'Auguste Dupin, un jeune et brillant détective amateur...
Two cases of detection for Monsieur Auguste C. Dupin, Poe’s great detective. Who could have committed the atrocious murders in the Rue Morgue and so how did the murderer get in, or out? Will Dupin find the purloined letter and save the royal personage? Where is the minister hiding it? 

Pass : adf834g6
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[Ebook+audio] Teach Yourself French

Teach Yourself French is the course for anyone who wants to progress quickly from the basics to understanding, speaking and writing French with confidence. Although aimed at those with no previous knowledge, it is equally suitable for anyone wishing to brush up existing knowledge or refresh rusty language skills for a holiday or business trip. Key structures and vocabulary are introduced in 25 thematic units progressing from introducing yourself and dealing with everyday situations to using the phone and talking about work. The course covers all structures required for GCSE level and beyond. The emphasis is on communication throughout with important language structures introduced through dialogues on the accompanying recording. There are plenty of exercises to practise the language as it is introduced and tips throughout to help with pronunciation and grammar. Cultural information boxes give useful advice and information for anyone planning a trip to France. The new edition retains the tried-and-tested structure of the lessons but has been updated to reflect societal and technological changes, and the audio has been completely re-recorded.


Pass : 45f29d1d